Climate, migration, drought and desertification: resources

Drought and deserification could become a major driver of migration and displacement. As climate change increases the severity and length of droughts, we can expect these patterns of human movement to change too. Our resources and video examine the complex links between climate, drought and the movement of people.

Climate, migration, drought and desertification: resources

Drought and deserification could become a major driver of migration and displacement. As climate change increases the severity and length of droughts, we can expect these patterns of human movement to change too. Our resources and video examine the complex links between climate, drought and the movement of people.

Latest resource

Climate, migration, drought and desertification: resources

Climate, drought and conflict in the Horn of Africa

A new drought has swept across the Horn of Africa, creating widespread displacement. With drought playing a key role in the wider crisis, it is important to examine the role of climate change in contributing to the situation.

Climate-linked migration and the Horn of Africa

Can we pin the crisis in the Horn of Africa on climate change? Or is the whole situation far more complicated? Get to grips with the links between climate, conflict, drought and famine.

Paddington: a bear crossing borders

The Paddington Bear stories and film are modern fables about the treatment of refugees. The Paddington film raises important questions about the legal status of people fleeing disasters, and makes a powerful case for the humane treatment of all migrants.

Climate change driving migration into China’s vulnerable cities

Climate change driving migration into China’s vulnerable cities Alex Randall Alex is programme manager of the Climate and Migration Coalition Natural disasters are displacing record numbers of urban Chinese, but millions are migrating into the same cities to escape...

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