The Arctic
The Arctic
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Book review: Shishmaref, a test case of climate induced migration
Fierce Climate, Sacred Ground Elizabeth Marino Shishmaref, a small hunting community consisting of 600 people on the West Coast of Alaska, is seen as the first victim of anthropogenic climate change. Alaska and the Antarctic have been affected more negatively and...
The Arctic
Moving stories: The Arctic. Migration and displacement linked to climate change
Alex Randall “If we relocate during the summer, we’d need a lot of barges to move everything ...The thought of moving our village is very sad because Shishmaref is the place where I grew up. Shishmaref is a great place to live because everyone knows each other. If we...
Spotlight: Many Strong Voices
Ilan Kelman is a sharp and dedicated researcher, his native tongue unmistakeably academic. But behind the carefully constructed sentences lies a character of definite moral motivation. I’d call him an activist but I’m not sure he’d identify with such a subjective...
Image: Gus MacLeod, Longyearbyen houses, Spitsbergen – (CC BY 2.0) from Flickr