by Alex Randall | Mar 9, 2017 | Asia Pacific, Blogs, Briefings / Reports, Climate Displacement, Climate Migration, Feature front page, Flooding, frontpage, Hurricanes, typhoons and cyclones, Sea level rise
Using mobile network data to understand climate change and migration বাংলা / Bengali David Wrathall & Xin Lu David Wrathall investigates climate extremes and human migration with Flowminder and United Nations University. Xin Lu is co-founder and chief analyst at...
by Gilles | Feb 2, 2017 | Blogs, Climate Displacement, Climate Migration, frontpage, Horn of Africa
Raphael J. Nawrotzki Media reports claim that climate change will cause massive international migration over the 21st century. This possibility sparks fears of waves of ‘climate refugees’, fleeing poor developing countries and flooding into industrialized...
by Alex Randall | Dec 12, 2016 | AR-pubs, Blogs, Climate Displacement, Climate Migration, frontpage, law and rights
Phillip Warren The notion that climate change will cause extensive and largely unprecedented human migration likely comes as no surprise to readers of this blog. Rising seas, changing weather patterns, and increasing frequency and intensity of severe weather events...
by Alex Randall | Nov 23, 2016 | Climate Change, Climate Displacement, Climate Migration, frontpage
Clark Gray Climate change is likely to affect human migration, but this will occur via trapping potential migrants as well as displacing them. Sea level rise, climate-related disasters and heatwaves will clearly compel some people to move as climate change unfolds,...
by Alex Randall | Oct 31, 2016 | AR-pubs, Climate Change, Climate Conflict, Climate Displacement, Conflict, Europe / Med, frontpage, Middle East, Syria, Video / audio
This talk makes the case that there are powerful connections between climate change and the conflict in Syria. However, the story given by the mainstream media about these connections was not always accurate. This talk unpacks both the media story and the scientific...
by Alex Randall | Sep 19, 2016 | Climate Change, Climate Conflict, Climate Displacement, Climate Migration, Europe / Med, frontpage
We are delighted to be part of IIED’s event Conflict, Climate and Migration in Syria – did the media get it right? Monday 3rd October, 3.30 – 5.15pm, IIED, 80 – 86 Gray’s Inn Road, London, WC1X 8NH Email to request to attend with your name and organsiation:...