Mobile network data provide new insights on climate change and migration

Mobile network data provide new insights on climate change and migration

Using mobile network data to understand climate change and migration বাংলা / Bengali David Wrathall & Xin Lu David Wrathall investigates climate extremes and human migration with Flowminder and United Nations University. Xin Lu is co-founder and chief analyst at...
Event: Conflict, Climate and Migration in Syria – did the media get it right? 3 October, London

Event: Conflict, Climate and Migration in Syria – did the media get it right? 3 October, London

We are delighted to be part of IIED’s event Conflict, Climate and Migration in Syria – did the media get it right? Monday 3rd October, 3.30 – 5.15pm, IIED, 80 – 86 Gray’s Inn Road, London, WC1X 8NH Email to request to attend with your name and organsiation:...

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