Six things governments should do about hurricane displacement right now

Six things governments should do about hurricane displacement right now

Six things governments should do about hurricane displacement right now Six things governments should do about hurricane displacement right now Alex Randall Alex is the programme leader of the Climate and Migration Coalition Slow down climate change As the planet...
Climate-linked migration and the Horn of Africa

Climate-linked migration and the Horn of Africa

This video provides a very quick introdution to the links between climate change and the crisis in the Horn of Africa. Read and watch next… Climate, drought and conflict in the Horn of Africa A new drought has swept across the Horn of Africa, creating widespread...
Climate change and the Horn of Africa crisis

Climate change and the Horn of Africa crisis

Unpacking climate change and the Horn of Africa crisis Alex Randall Alex is coordinator of the Climate and Migration Coalition. His work focuses on international policy and advocacy on the rights of people who move due to climate change impacts. Image: Dollo Ado,...

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