by Alex Randall | Oct 11, 2017 | Americas, AR-posts, Blogs, Climate Displacement, Disasters, Feature front page, Flooding, frontpage, Hurricanes, typhoons and cyclones, law and rights
Six things governments should do about hurricane displacement right now Six things governments should do about hurricane displacement right now Alex Randall Alex is the programme leader of the Climate and Migration Coalition Slow down climate change As the planet...
by Alex Randall | Sep 20, 2017 | AR-pubs, Climate Displacement, Flooding, frontpage, Hurricanes, typhoons and cyclones, Video / audio
After several recent disasters – this video explores the complex links between climate, disasters and the movement of people. Read and watch next… Climate, drought and conflict in the Horn of Africa A new drought has swept across the Horn of Africa,...
by Alex Randall | Sep 5, 2017 | AR-pubs, Blogs, Briefings / Reports, Climate Displacement, Flooding, frontpage, Hurricanes, typhoons and cyclones
Alex Randall Alex is the programme manager at the Climate and Migration Coalition. Header image: Russell Watkins / DfiD. 6 months after the Pakistan floods of 2010. Debates about whether climate change has played a role in a particular disaster tend to polarise very...
by Alex Randall | Mar 9, 2017 | Asia Pacific, Blogs, Briefings / Reports, Climate Displacement, Climate Migration, Feature front page, Flooding, frontpage, Hurricanes, typhoons and cyclones, Sea level rise
Using mobile network data to understand climate change and migration বাংলা / Bengali David Wrathall & Xin Lu David Wrathall investigates climate extremes and human migration with Flowminder and United Nations University. Xin Lu is co-founder and chief analyst at...
by Alex Randall | May 1, 2013 | Climate Change, Climate Conflict, Climate Displacement, Climate Migration, Hurricanes, typhoons and cyclones, Moving Stories
Alex Randall The Philippines battles with high levels of poverty and inequality. The proportion of households living below the official poverty line has declined very slowly and unevenly in the past four decades, and poverty reduction has been much slower than in...
by Alex Randall | May 2, 2012 | Climate Change, Climate Displacement, Climate Migration, Hurricanes, typhoons and cyclones
The UN predicts that by 2050, 70% of us will be living in urban areas. It was about 30% in 1950 and it’s split roughly 50/50 now. This trend means the size of our cities has been growing steadily. Climate change is one of the many factors that will sustain this trend...