by Alex Randall | Sep 5, 2017 | AR-pubs, Blogs, Briefings / Reports, Climate Displacement, Flooding, frontpage, Hurricanes, typhoons and cyclones
Alex Randall Alex is the programme manager at the Climate and Migration Coalition. Header image: Russell Watkins / DfiD. 6 months after the Pakistan floods of 2010. Debates about whether climate change has played a role in a particular disaster tend to polarise very...
by Alex Randall | Apr 3, 2017 | Climate Change, Climate Conflict, Climate Displacement, Climate Migration
masterclass: Understanding climate change and migration A one day course Tuesday 23 May 2017London, UK Get to grips with the complex relationship between climate change and migration. Understand how changing weather patterns and disasters will alter patterns of...
by Alex Randall | Dec 12, 2016 | AR-pubs, Blogs, Climate Displacement, Climate Migration, frontpage, law and rights
Phillip Warren The notion that climate change will cause extensive and largely unprecedented human migration likely comes as no surprise to readers of this blog. Rising seas, changing weather patterns, and increasing frequency and intensity of severe weather events...
by Alex Randall | Apr 14, 2015 | Climate Change, Climate Displacement, Climate Migration, Moving Stories, Resources
Over the last two years we have collected testimonies from people who have moved as a result of climate-linked disasters. By exploring these stories we can begin to answer questions about how climate change is creating new patterns of migration and displacement. We...
by Alex Randall | Feb 4, 2015 | Climate Change, Climate Conflict, Climate Displacement, Climate Migration
Understanding slow and rapid onset disasters Alex Randall Alex is programme coordinator of the Climate and Migration Coalition Slow and rapid onset disasters: it’s a common distinction, but what does it mean? Not all disasters happen at the same speed. Consider...