by Alex Randall | Feb 5, 2014 | Climate Change, Climate Displacement, Climate Migration, Moving Stories, Resources, Sea level rise
“We are not educated people, but I can sense something grave is happening around us. I couldn’t believe my eyes – the land that I had tilled for years, that fed me and my family for generations, has vanished. We have lost our livelihood. All our belongings and cattle...
by Alex Randall | Jan 14, 2014 | Climate Change, Climate Displacement, Climate Migration, Moving Stories, Resources
Moving stories The voices of people who move in the context of environmental change Download Moving Stories: the voices of people who move in the context of environmental change Download The voices of people who move in the context of environmental change are absent...
by Alex Randall | Jan 8, 2014 | Briefings / Reports, Climate Change, Climate Displacement, Climate Migration, Resources
What is the legal status of people who move as a result of climate change impacts? What rights should such people have? And who is responsible for their welfare? These are all questions that are not fully answered by existing laws and policies. A “protection...
by Alex Randall | Sep 26, 2013 | Climate Change, Climate Displacement, Climate Migration, Moving Stories, Resources
“Previously the weather change was manageable. Now the weather in recent years has gotten worse. It has become more difficult to sail the sea, especially for those using rowing boats. The sea is not safe for us anymore.” Betsina Petikotik, Lermatang,...
by Alex Randall | Jun 5, 2013 | Climate Change, Climate Displacement, Climate Migration, Resources
MYTH BUSTER: MIGRATION, DISPLACEMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE Download Image: A young boy herds cows into a holding pen Aug. 5, 2012, in Daaba, Kenya. (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0) A number of myths have emerged about how climate change will influence the movement of people. There are...
by Alex Randall | Apr 13, 2012 | Report summaries, Resources
UKCCMC report summaries synthesise key documents on the topic of climate change and migration. They do not intend to provide analysis. For analysis on current issues and policy see the Blog section of this website. Summary: Addressing Climate Change and Migration in...