by Chanelle Andren | Dec 18, 2015 | Climate Change, Climate Displacement, Climate Migration
Climate change as a migration driver from rural and urban Mexico Raphael J Nawrotzki , Lori M Hunter, Daniel M Runfola and Fernando Riosmena Climate change and how it shapes migration patterns has previously only focused on migration from rural areas. However,...
by Chanelle Andren | Nov 24, 2015 | Climate Change, Climate Displacement, Climate Migration
Climate change and migration in developing countries: evidence and implications for PRISE countries Maria Waldinger, Sam Fankhauser ESRC Centre for Climate Change Economics and Policy Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment Empirical...
by Chanelle Andren | Nov 4, 2015 | Climate Change, Climate Displacement, Climate Migration
Why should we be concerned about environmentally induced migration? Kerstin Rieger Journal of the Dublin University Geographical Society This essay discusses environmentally induced migration and questions if people actually have a choice in relocating or not. In...
by Chanelle Andren | Oct 13, 2015 | Climate Change, Climate Displacement, Climate Migration
Climate migrants and new identities? The geopolitics of embracing or rejecting mobility Carol Farbotkoa, Elaine Stratfordb & Heather Lazrusc Awareness exists about the potential impacts climate change will have on low-lying islands but we know little about how...
by Chanelle Andren | Sep 30, 2015 | Climate Change, Climate Displacement, Climate Migration, The Arctic
Fierce Climate, Sacred Ground Elizabeth Marino Shishmaref, a small hunting community consisting of 600 people on the West Coast of Alaska, is seen as the first victim of anthropogenic climate change. Alaska and the Antarctic have been affected more negatively and...